About Me

May 8, 2020

Life is CinsationElle!

My Name is Elle Riley and I love Cincinnati! 

I am not a Cincinnati native; however, I have been living here for the last 20 years and while I had my struggles to adjust, this city has become my home. Originally from Melbourne, Australia I am a single mother with a beautiful son, and a little teddy bear dog. I LOVE trying anything new which includes food, drinks, activities and I’m also obsessed with anything beauty related – confessed Sephora addict. I am lucky enough to still have an active social life and enjoy it to the fullest. One of the things I love about the city is the nightlife, the food, the drinks, and the music, so I decided “why not write about it?”

This blog is for anyone who loves the city of Cincinnati and is interested in reading one woman’s honest opinion and reviews of restaurants, their specialty drinks, and the local bands that play around the queen city. If you’re interested, you can also read about beauty products (any of my reviews on those), my experiences with life, love, and parenting.

I invite you to take a trip around my blog, read the articles, comment, email me any ideas you have on restaurants you’d like me to visit, or events happening around the city. Don’t forget to subscribe to my blog so you can be notified of the latest reviews I have to offer.